<--------------- over there is our "companion" building, Torka's Home for Wayward Girls (they take in "lost girls" who are wayward -- and make them truly evil <ggg>). Be careful around Tim the Enchanter and "Uncle" LarryD, who live upstairs -- they're both a bit irrascible in their old age <snicker>.
Feel free to drop by anytime and share a cup of kombucha tea around the kitchen table with Torka and all her "girls"! They've converted the west wing of the Home into a private clinic for Monkee Concert Obsessives; with the Monk3ees tour at an end, the series on TV and JustUs for all, you may wish to call ahead to reserve a padded cell :)
The block of buildings adjacent to the Home for Wayward girls is fondly referred to as "Heck's Kitchen" cuz you can't say the other word on a family list ;) Be sure to drop by Mama Nantucket's Coffee and Literature Du Jour (also known as "Nantucket's" for short) for some ground <pun intended> breaking poetry and other artistic expressions.
Or, if you're in the mood for something more substancial, Frank's Cyber Soul Kitchen is always cooking up something yummy. :) You haven't lived til you've had a soul Twinkie! <eg>
The sound you hear off in the distance <vooba, vooba> is PapaNezHeadRobBlockHard@WorkNow (that's not really his name... he shortened it when he went on line <g>) sawing away. The reason he's working construction with a baby backpack on is that he's Veronica's daddy :) He's the architect and builder of our soapbox, and he's always busy adding on new wings to the clubhouse to accomodate our newbies.
When we're done with the tour, feel free to take a look around and pick out your very own room. Rob's cleverly managed to arrange it so all the rooms overlook the pool and you're allowed to decorate any way you like, (might I recommend safety pins or wall to wall musical instruments?)
The next building over is the maternity ward/ICU/newborn nursery. If any of you are planning on giving birth or being born... please pre-register so you can get right in when those contraction-filled seconds start to stretch into eternal hours.
SIDEBAR: Persons planning to be *re*-born should pre-register with Zan, at the Temple of James.
The folks waaaayyyyy over there chatting in German are Riachia and Rosinha... members of The Listers Foreign Legion. They both speak English perfectly well; they just like to show off their grasp of swearwords in other languages <giggle>! The rest of us just try to look important as we swear in pig latin. <g> Perhaps you noticed their parade grounds as the Magical Mystery Tour Bus brought you in.
Don't be concerned about the guy wearing dark glasses
Oh, Hello Brad. <saluting> Folks, this is Brad. Brad is our founder, fondly referred to as "DAD". He pays the bill for our virtual playground, here, and, he pays it with his own hard earned cash money (not those ascii drawn cyber-bucks we use here.)
Let's give Brad a round of applause. Thanks Brad.
Another thing Dad does for us is maintain the Monkees home page. A great starting point with links to all sorts of other pages -- including many made by our very own listers -- plus info, lyrics, and other fun stuff. Check it out! (No, that was not an order, merely a good idea <g>)
All backgrounds, asciis, text, artwork etc... created by Melhi